How Local Authority Cuts are Drastically Impacting on Retirees

Just as most consumers are being forced to tighten their individual budgets, the government is also being forced to work with less. Of course, when the government is forced to make budget cuts, it is often the local authorities that feel the hit the most. This is because local authorities are the agencies that typically work closest with the average citizen. It seems that there is a program or budget being cut nearly every day which is no big surprise given the recent past and current state of the economy. However, as these cuts are passed down to local authorities and these authorities are forced to work within tighter confines, it is the average consumer that can really feel the difference. This is especially the case when it comes to the services which directly affect retirees. Some of the most important services related to pensioners and retirees are those that are funded and administered by local authorities, namely long term care financing, care home facilities, and day centres.

The simple fact is that local authorities are facing budgetary cuts that simply will not allow them to administer their programs in the same way. They do not have the same amount of money available so cannot administer programs in the same way or breadth as they could when they had intact budgets. Much of the programs administered by local authorities can impact the most vulnerable populations, including the elderly. As a result, the elderly are feeling the strain of having to secure their own services, including long term care. Many local authorities have had to ask retirees to pay more toward the cost of their home care and in some cases this has meant that more and more pensioners are struggling to make ends meet. Those retirees who are already in long-term care can be affected even more severely. This is primarily because care facilities themselves run the risk of being closed.

It is not only long term care facilities that are being strongly impacted by the budgetary cuts. In fact, many day centres and projects aimed at the elderly are forced to change the way they administer programs. Some are even pushed so far as to need to close. Of course, this can have a tremendously negative domino effect. The closing of centres and facilities can only negatively impact the people who rely on them. For many elders, day centres offer a social outlet and means of social interaction. For those whose care facility closes, they must find a new care facility, often at a time that is entirely inconvenient.

These budget cuts and more stringent restraints are of course being discussed at great detail in the media and the community. There is no miracle cure for addressing these problems but there are of course many suggestions. Some consumers believe that the government should be doing more to solve the budget crises and to maintain a consistent and reliable level of care for its elderly citizens. For these individuals, it should be enough that these elderly consumers have contributed to the system for the entirety of their working lives. It could be argued that now that they are retired from the workforce, there should be consistent care available to them.

Regardless of how improved the economy may become, it is likely that the after effects of the recent budget constraints will last long after the crisis is over. There is truly only one lesson that can be taken from the unreliability of government programs. That is that it is never too early to start planning for the needs you will have once you are no longer working. For example, it is never too early to start planning for your long term care. This could mean that you plan to save enough money to not have to rely on an unreliable government to provide you with the services and programs you may need once you have reached retirement age. If the government cannot guarantee that we will always have the programs we need, we must be ready to ensure that we can provide them for ourselves independently. In order to do so, it is important to think about what your needs may be as far ahead as possible. This could mean getting your personal affairs in order, managing your money, talking with your family, and meeting with a financial adviser to discuss all of your available options. A financial adviser can work with you on your particular financial situation in order to ensure that you make the best decisions for you and your family.
